< Gear lubricant analysis - Calia AnalyseCalia Laboratoire d'analyses de fluides techniques

Gear lubricant analysis

filtration lubrifiants engrenages

Type of analysis :

All lubricants for gears, in all business sectors.

Benefits of gear lubricant analysis:

Whether it’s a reducer, a gearbox or a bridge, in all business sectors (factories, wind power, vehicles), mechanisms with gears (and/or bearings) are everywhere. By taking measurements, we can anticipate faults, plan maintenance, optimise settings and increase change frequencies.

With regular analysis, the service life of the lubricant can be extended, therefore reducing oil purchases. What’s more, you can optimise maintenance of your equipment and thus reduce downtime following incidents. It’s even more effective if lubricant analysis is coupled with vibration analysis.

Lubricant analysis can also be used as a tool for expert appraisal when selling second-hand equipment or during disputes.

Of course, our response time is three working days (excluding analysis package); we will contact you if there is a serious fault and are always available to discuss the results. Our independence is your guarantee of efficiency.


Measurements taken :


  • Viscosity at 40°C and/or 100°C
  • Water content
  • Acid value
  • Gravimetry and examination of filter membrane
  • Wear and additional metals


  • Comparative FITR
  • Particle counting


Example of an analysis report
